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Entry Window




The Entry window is used to spend and receive money. It allows entries to be made up of one or more lines, with different income or expense accounts and VAT rates on each line, if you wish.

The first step in creating an entry is to enter a date, an ID Number and a Summary of the entry. It is important to put something into the ID Number and Summary boxes, as these are the details which appear in various lists in the program, and these are what you will use to search for entries. After this, you are ready to fill in as many lines as you require in the entry.

Adding A Line
To add a line to the entry, click the Add Line button. The window below will now appear.

(1) The first item to choose is the account you wish this line to be allocated to. Clicking on the drop down arrow, brings up a list of accounts from which to select.

(2) You may now enter the details of this line. If you wish to use a phrase which you have stored in the Standard Phrases window, click the drop down arrow to bring up the list of stored phrases.

(3) If you are tracking VAT, and you wish to use a VAT code on this line, click on the drop down arrow beside the VAT box and choose a code from the list which appears. You can then enter either the Amount or the Total for the line, and click on the Calculate VAT button to prompt the program to fill in the other amounts. It is important to remember that although the program calculates what it thinks the VAT amount should be, you are responsible for ensuring this amount is correct. For example, in the case of spending money, no matter what the program calculates the VAT amount to be, you have to enter whatever you have been charged by your supplier.

Once you have finished entering the line, click the OK button to return to the entry window, or click Cancel to reject the line.

Editing A Line
To edit a line, click on the line in the list, then press the Edit Line button. The details of the line will appear using the same window as for new lines, as shown above.

Deleting A Line
To delete a line, click on the line in the list, then press the Delete Line button.

As you add, delete or edit lines of the entry, the program calculates the Subtotal, VAT Total and Total amounts for the entry.

When you have finished with the entry, click the Close button to return to the window you started from.